As an economist with a knack for writing, Stephen Jerome Kohn has authored more than a few hundred business papers and articles during his career. Before dabbling in the world of fictional writing, he spent most of his career consulting with banks and other businesses in the United States and around the world.
However, ten years ago, he decided to try his luck with fiction, and the result was two books of short stories “Hearts: Breaking/Mending” which explores the beginning and end of relationships, and “Saints and Sinners” a book defining righteousness and evil through his character’s virtues and flaws. With the continued success of his previous work, he is now working on two more books: one on ethical behavior, using the short story genre, and another, “An Encyclopedia of My Life” (an autobiography based on his oddities, eccentricities, and peculiarities).
Kohn, who was born in New York, emigrated to Israel in 1991 at the age of 52. He has worked as a financial institution regulator, business consultant, corporate executive, and economist and has taught business writing and public speaking.
While he has written for numerous business publications, he first started daydreaming about people when he was a young child. He later discovered that his daydreams, which he had while riding the subway to high school or flying nearly two million miles, were not dependent on the reality of the subjects being studied.
He began to write short stories in a dull business meeting where his counterpart’s intriguing appearance was more impressive than the topic at hand. Kohn has released two short story collections and is working on his first four novels.

Whether you’re a fan of historical fiction or simply looking for a compelling and thought-provoking read, The Last Train from Montreux is an enthralling novel you won’t want to miss. It is a powerful story that explores the impact of the written word on the lives of those who read it.

The Last Train From Montreux by Stephen Kohn is a gripping piece of fiction that follows the life of Noel Smith, a well-known American attorney with a tragic past. Noel is successful in his career, but the demons of his shattered relationships and past life limit him from really enjoying and living his life to the fullest.
Following a series of tragic events, including a suicide attempt, Noel’s doctor suggests he write an autobiography for submission to a psychiatrist for evaluation. As he digs deeper into his past, Noel discovers a surprising truth about himself. The letter he gets from his parents after they pass away contradicts everything he’s ever thought about himself.
It is a compelling love story with an unforgettable surprise finale that will make you fall in love with the characters!